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Twitter takes down website related to saving tweets

Usually, Twitter is okay with third party websites storing and archiving tweets, but this time, PostGhost took it too far. PostGhost was taken down by twitter. A full explanation will be featured in this article together with my own personal opinion.

PostGhost was a website that would archive tweets of many verified users. These tweets could then be searched for and used even after a user had deleted them. These are mostly tweets from politicians with political statements and so on.

The reason I think twitter took down the website is because it displays people's privacy. Even if these tweets were ever posted, someone can regret posting them and then deleting them. It's the same as your old Facebook profile that you posted and then, months later deleted. This profile picture then got shared by an enormous website, and you wouldn't like it. This is why I agree with Twitter for taking down the website.

Do you think the same? Or should PostGhost still be allowed to archive tweets? Let us know in the comments down below and drop us a tweet! (@TechDependent). Also, don't forget to follow us on any other social media!

Source: | Engadget | - Image Source | PostGhost |

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