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NVIDIA released its first video game "VR Funhouse" for HTC Vive

NVIDIA has just released its first video game ever. The new game is called 'VR Funhouse' and is now available for the HTC Vive.

It puts you in a classic carnival which is full of interactive games. There are the popular options like throwing a ball to a target and a similar whack-a-mole game. You can also shoot green goo into a clown's mouth to fill up a balloon, pop balloons with swords and many more.

It looks amazing and is available to download for free from Steam. It also has a slight scary feel to it and that gives the whole game an extra side.

To play the game you'll need a high-powered PC to power it. These are NVIDIA's recommended specs:

Low Quality

  • GPU: GeForce GTX980 Ti, TITAN X, 1060 or 1070

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4790

Medium Quality

  • GPU: GeForce HTX 1080

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-5930

High Quality

  • GPU: A single GeForce GTX 1080, or a 2-way GeForce GTX 1070, TITAN X or 980 ti SLI setup

  • GPU PhysX: Also requires a GeForce GTX 980 ti, or greater, to be dedicated as a PhysX GPU in the NVIDIA Control Panel

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-5930

The game will be open sourced later this summer, which will give developers an idea of how NVIDIA made it. The developers can then use the same techniques to create their own VR games or help improve VR Funhouse with minigames and mods.

Via: | TechnoBuffalo | - Source: | NVIDIA | Steam |

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