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iPhone 7 spotted in comparison video with iPhone 6s

It seems that almost anyone can get their hands on an iPhone 7 shell. All you have to do is go to China where part providers will sell you parts. A video from China shows us a comparison between the alleged iPhone 7 and the iPhone 6s.

BeSound, the YouTube channel, picked up the rear shell of the iPhone 7 from a local manufacturer. Although it can't be verified whether or not it is the real shell, it looks pretty similar to all the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus images that have been leaked recently.

The alleged iPhone 7 will almost be identical to the iPhone 6s, and it might be difficult to them apart from far away. If you're closer, you can immediately notice the differences. The iPhone 7 has redesigned antenna bands, a larger rear camera and no headphone jack at the bottom. The video mentions all of these design choices and shows every angle of the so-called iPhone 7.

At this point, it's highly likely that Apple with not surprise us with the design of their upcoming flagship, and some people see as boring already.

Unfortunately, this is just the shell of an iPhone 7 and it doesn't work, and it doesn't reveal any details on the hardware, so this isn't an accurate leak yet. There's still two months until Apple's 2016 flagship devices hit stores, but until then I'm sure they'll be plenty more leaks to look at.

Via: | BGR | - Source: | YouTube |


Image Source: | Martin Hajek |

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