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France protecting its people from the spying of Windows 10

The French National Data Protection Commission (CNIL) has been keeping its eye on Windows 10, and they aren't happy. It appears to them that Microsoft's Windows 10 is collecting unnecessary data and violating Microsoft's privacy policy. Windows 10 is doing things like "monitor browsing" according to the BGR without asking the user at all. The CNIL is giving Microsoft 3 moths to clean things up before they take action against Microsoft.

If Microsoft "fails to comply", the CNIL will start a serious investigation and look through all of the companies French data. It doesn't look like that will happen, though, Microsoft responded almost Immediately with this statement originally reported by the BGR.

"Earlier today Microsoft received a notice from the French data protection authority, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés or CNIL, raising concerns about certain aspects of Windows 10. The notice gives Microsoft three months to address the issues.

We built strong privacy protections into Windows 10, and we welcome feedback as we continually work to enhance those protections. We will work closely with the CNIL over the next few months to understand the agency's concerns fully and to work toward solutions that it will find acceptable.

The CNIL noted that the Safe Harbor framework is no longer valid for transferring data from European Union to the United States. We fully understand the importance of establishing a sound legal framework for trans-Atlantic data transfers, and that is why Microsoft has been very supportive of the efforts on both side of the Atlantic that led to last week's adoption of the Privacy Shield.

As the European Commission observed, Microsoft's January 2016 Privacy Statement states that the company adheres to the principles of the Safe Harbor Framework. Microsoft has in fact continued to live up to all of its commitments under the Safe Harbor Framework, even as the European and U.S. representatives worked toward the new Privacy Shield. As we state in our privacy statement, in addition to the Safe Harbor Framework we rely on a variety of legal mechanisms as the basis for transferring data from Europe, including standard contractual clauses, a data transfer mechanism established by the European Commission and approved by European data protection authorities, to cover data flows from the European Union to the United States.

Microsoft will release an updated privacy statement next month, and that will say Microsoft intends to adopt the Privacy Shield. We are working now toward meeting the requirements of the Privacy Shield."

Although Microsoft responded quickly, will they act on it? What do you think Microsoft will do? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: | BGR |


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