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Galaxy S8 rumored-Codename "Project Dream"

Only 3 months since we seen the latest Galaxy flagship from Samsung and Note 7 on the way, we already hearing rumors about Galaxy S8. According to Mydrivers, Samsung is calling it "Project Dream", which does sounds very similar to Google’s upcoming virtual reality platform, Daydream. As we seen seen before, Samsung is pushing hard on selling Virtual Reality gears and it seems like they are going to continue that path with the upcoming Galaxy.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 or as they call it "Project Daydream", is rumored to have 6GB Ram, Dual-Rear camera and a processor built with a new 10nm process. It will finally support Type-C reversible charger and it will also run on Android 7.0 Nougat. There is also a small rumor that it will have the "smart glow" similar to the one seen on Samsung Galaxy J2. And there is a small chance it might come with the IRIS reader that is rumored to come with the Samsung Note 7.

We have sen Samsung reveal 4K screens with a 5.5inch screen made just for virtual reality gears. The company has not said anything about using the screen for the Galaxy S8 but it does seem like Sthe S8 might be ready for the 4K. The phone will most likely come out in 2017 and by then Google will have their "Daydream Project" released and this will be a good chance for Samsung to become a competitor in the competition.


Image Source: Galaxys8blog

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