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Google Maps Gets A Facelift

Having a hard time noticing details on Google Maps? Well, Google too and they decided to give a facelift to the travel tool. The most immediately apparent difference is the new colour palette — much subtler and easier on the eyes. But Google has also cleaned things up to improve visibility, and added new ‘areas of interest’.

Google claims that improving Maps is a “balancing act”, and that some items that are not absolutely required, like road outline, can be removed. The fonts have also been changed so that they do not disappear in the background when using the satellite view.

The main new feature is how Maps highlights places of interest and Google came up with a sort of key for Maps:

Following the changes, Google says:

“The cleaner canvas also lets us show local information in entirely new ways. As you explore the new map, you’ll notice areas shaded in orange representing ‘areas of interest’ — places where there’s a lot of activities and things to do. To find an ‘area of interest’ just open Google Maps and look around you. When you’ve found an orange-shaded area, zoom in to see more details about each venue and tap one for more info. Whether you’re looking for a hotel in a hot spot or just trying to determine which way to go after exiting the subway in a new place, ‘areas of interest’ will help you find what you’re looking for with just a couple swipes and a zoom.”

Following the changes announced, I wanted to personally test the new and improved Maps and it really delivers. The fonts are much better, more noticeable and the new marking for the places of interest really makes it easy to distinguish things.

Have you tested the new version of Maps yet? Let us know in the comment down below what do you think about it and follow us on social media.


Source: | Google Blog |


Image Credits: | Inquirer | - | Beta News |

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