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Apple plans to 'invent' augmented reality

Apple's earnings call on Tuesday, CEO Tim Cook announced that Apple would be “investing in AR in the long run” following the massive success of Pokémon Go. While everyone is now teasing Cook for mispronouncing the name of the game, Apple's wholehearted support will help propel augmented reality into the mainstream.

We already know, technologies invented by and for Android typically only become accepted by the mainstream once Apple picks them up. (Of course, Apple has also invented it's own fair share of mobile technologies) But as many analysts have already noted, AR is more likely to be the next big thing, because VR requires you to completely shut yourself off from the outside world, whereas AR can be with you all the time. This is obviously a huge advantage for mobile.

Responding to the success of Pokémon Go, Cook noted, “AR can be really great, and we have been and continue to invest a lot in this. We are high on AR for the long run, we think there's great things for customers and a great commercial opportunity.” The company could also create a headset. It filed a patent back in February 2015 for a headset that works with a phone, which could be a really easy way to ape Microsoft's Hololens. Perhaps Siri AR would put a user's calendar, inbox, Safari browser, texts, news and an Apple Music player on the walls or in a user's peripheral vision.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see AR come to iMessage. In iOS 10, Apple added new features to Messages like bigger emoji, handwriting and some special effects. Maybe iOS 11 will use AR for Snapchat filter-like selfies using technology from Faceshift. For now, though, we can only speculate. Apple tends to take its time with new technology, but now we know that AR is on the way.


Source: | Pocketlint |


Image Credit: | Peel Interactive |

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