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LG Display invests $1.7 billion to make flexible OLED screens

Around $1.7 billion will be invested to build a production line to manufacture flexible OLED phone screens. Flexible smartphone screens are becoming more popular and we can already see it becoming a leading style in the very near future. We can already see it in today's smartphones such as the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. The investment made by LG Display is meant to allow LG to become one of the main companies using this display technology. It might already have some buyers, or, they could plan to use it for their own smartphones.

The production line will be installed at the same factory that LG plans to build for $8.9 billion. People have been trying to figure out whether that plant will be used to make screens for future iPhones because it's rumored that Apple will switch from LCD to OLED displays from 2018. There have been some other rumors which say an iPhone could have curved sides, so LG might be organizing for that as well. LG says the manufacturing of OLED displays will start in the second half of 2018, so we might be able to see what comes out of the investment then or early on in 2019.

Via: | The Verge | - Source: | LG Display |

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