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Elon Musk sheds more light on his plan for self driving, ride sharing Tesla's

Tesla, the now well known American electric automobile company, has new plans ahead. This information was first known a short time ago when Elon Musk, the co-founder of Tesla announced Tesla's master plan part 2. Part of this new plan is to have your car make money for you when your not using it, how? It would become a ride sharing vehicle, such as an Uber or Lift, but instead of you driving it around, it would drive its self.

This is a very complicated thought, to have your car drive you to work, leave to ride share while your working and then be ready to drive you home when you get out of work. This brings up many questions and concerns about this new service, not expected to become a real thing for years. VentureBeat reports that Elon Musk believes everything will be controlled by the touch of a few buttons on your phone. You will be able to decide who can use your car, what time it needs to be back to you, etc.

VentureBeat reports exactly what Musk said, in the statement below.

"Whenever you're not using your car, you'll be able to just tap the Tesla app on your phone and then add it to or subtract it from the the shared fleet. And you'll be able to define, like, well, you know, who can use it, like only five-star users, or anyone, or only family, or whatever. And then whenever you want it back, you can just tap it, and it will return to you. So most of the time when you look at cars, they're sitting in a parking lot somewhere, and they're not being used, and this has the potential to massively amplify the utility of vehicles and offset the cost of ownership. And it's going to be totally up to you when you want to do it, or not do it. It's all yours."

This all seems very complicated, but in the long run if Tesla does this right this could be an all around great service for everyone. We can expect to find out more and more details slowly as we get closer to the finish of Musk's master plan part 2. Would you ever allow your car to do this? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: | VentureBeat |


Image Credit: | BGR |

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