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Amazon patents noise-cancelling headphones with an interesting feature

Noise-cancelling headphones and earphones are great if you're traveling on a plane or you want to focus and enjoy some peace and quiet. The only downside to them is that they block out everything around you.

Amazon has thought of a great idea that can solve this problem. Earlier this month, a patent was granted for headphones that can not only cancel out background noise, but it can also listen to specific sounds and respond by automatically turning off noise cancellation so you can listen to things.

This feature should make it safer it certain environments, like noisy ones where you need to pay more attention to alerts (such as a construction site, or traffic)

The headphones can also turn noise cancellation on again, so the user can continue listening to their music or video hands-free.

This concept is really interesting and could be a huge improvement over the traditional noise-cancelling headphones. We hope this innovation will be featured in a real product very soon.

Via: | The Next Web | - Source: | CNET |

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