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The iPhone seven could feature a touch sensitive home button

We have heard so many rumors about the iPhone 7 and now, only a couple of months away from the release, another big rumor has appeared. Will the Apple replace their typical iPhone home button with a touch capacitive one?

So, the Apple might get rid of the home button meaning that you will touch the glass and it will vibrate to let you know that you pressed it. Many other flagships haven't got a physical home button but a touch surface, such as the OnePlus 3, the Droid Z and Droid Z force. But why would Apple do this?

Personally i think that Apple is making their way to a waterproof device, getting rid of the headphone jack, and the home button is two places less that water can leak into, and with IOS 10 already warning us if there is water in the lightning port, the iPhone 7 plus could be the world's first waterproof iPhone.

Do you think Apple will make a waterproof iPhone? Let us know in the comments down below and make sure you connect with us on social media!

Source: | TechCrunch | - Image credits: | Martin Hajek |

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