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You can now write reviews on the google Play Store without a Google+ account

In the past, people have had troubles with trying to write reviews and not being able to post them on the Play Store, but now Google have resolved this issue meaning that you no longer need a G+ account to write a review.

Google confirmed this in an email to TechCrunch, after Android Police had spread rumours about this. As of August 12, this new update seems to be rolling out on the Play Store.

The reason that google is bringing out this new update is because people have said that they would much rather prefer accessing everything with one Google account, and also because Google+ is dying. Google+ hasn't been doing very well so it would make sense if people could write reviews without a Google+ account.

What do you think? Were you struggling with this problem? Let us know in the comments down below and make sure to connect with us on social media, also enter our giveaway.

Source: | TechCrunch | - Image credits: | Google |

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