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A new leaked report reveals Google's plans for October 4th

Its looks like Google is trying to make October 4th the most interesting day ever. Reportedly, new products will be unveiled on that day starting with two new products to the Pixel line, an updated Chromecast that will support 4K and Daydream VR. On that day, more details will be revealed on Google Home which seems to be Google’s reply to the Amazon Echo. The Google Home was revealed at Google’s annual conference the I/O 2016. Check out the Google Home video here.

After recently dropping the Pixel 2, Google is trying to revive Pixel by launching two phones known as Pixel and Pixel XL which will be 5-inch and 5.5-inch respectively.

The new Chromecast will finally be able to match your 4K gear and apparently it will either be the Chromecast Plus or the Chromecast Ultra. Concerning the Daydream VR, the finalized version will be called Daydream View and reportedly, that platform is being tested by YouTubers recruited by Google ahead of its imminent launch.

The details concerning the October 4th event is still unknown. No information about where or at what time it will be held has been announced. The prices and release dates of the Pixel phones and the new 4K Chromecast has still not been revealed.

So what do you guys think about these new to-be-released products? Let us know in the comment section below and follow us on social media.

Via: | The Verge |


Source: | Android Police |


Image Credits: | The Verge |

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