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Chrome OS model could be coming for Lenovo Yoga Book

Many things were unveiled at IFA 2016 including high-end business products, new smartphones, wearables and gaming laptops. Lenovo managed to impress everyone with their laptop, the Lenovo Yoga Book. It impressed so many people because it had a unique approach towards its expanding use for cases and audience. It's a 2-in-1 laptop is very thin and light for this section. It has been in development for around three years now, but what it achieved was nothing out of the ordinary. The bottom half of the tablet can be used however the user wants. It can be used as a keyboard, drawing pad or a few other things that will be available.

The Yoga Book's campaign manager, Matt Lazare, was able to discuss the interesting laptop with a reporter from TechRadar. The reporter mentioned the device's motive, intention and of course the keyboard. Lazare was asked about how Chrome OS could work on the Yoga Book's original design, and he said that the company was "thinking very seriously about". He explained that Chrome OS is getting Android capability very soon, which made it an interesting recommendation and users could also see this in the near future.

The Windows and Android models both have an Intel Atom processor but have different bootloader codes. It's most likely that the Windows version will only be seeing Linux and unofficial builds of Chrome OS, while the Android version will be stuck with Android. Matt Lazare agrees that Chrome OS seems like a good fit for the Yoga Book. Nothing is official yet, and there might be a chance that the Yoga Book might just be a Windows or Android device, but it's also likely that we'll be seeing Chrome OS running on this laptop very soon.

Via: | Android Headlines | - Source: | TechRadar |

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