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Microsoft to end Lumia line in December

There have been some recent rumors about Microsoft ending its commitment to its mobile software platform as well as their mobile hardware. Microsoft's Lumia devices have taken a fall in price, and the Surface all-in-one PCs are only devices on the list for launch next month.

WinBeta got told from an anonymous source from Microsoft that they are preparing to "end sales" of the Lumia 550, Lumia 650, Lumia 950 and the Lumia 950 XL in December. These are all the smartphones Microsoft are currently selling.

We're not sure what to expect whether they are going to stop the production or the actual sales. The belief is that they could unveil a Surface Phone in 2017. Laura Butler, Microsoft Director of Engineering has left the phone in a limbo position by not confirming or denying the product's development.

Via: | Pocketnow | - Source: | WinBeta | - Image Credit: | WinBeta |

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